The combination of Illuminati's plan to use Kpop idol singers, who have a great influence on teenagers around the world, and BTS' earnest desire to gain wealth and fame even if they devote their blood, sweat and tears (spirit) has finally achieved the grand feat of becoming the No. 1 Billboard.
The media and the president came forward to celebrate and praised BTS and Bang Sihyuk,
the composer of the idol group.
The music video of blood, sweat, and tears, such as kissing the fallen angel Lucifer and mocking him on the blood of Jesus, contains stories that are hard to find even in the American pop market, which is home to Iluminati.
This would have been a decisive opportunity for the anti-christian group worshipping Lucifer to be chosen as their puppet, just like the Beatles.
If you were interested in this field, you could easily predict BTS's No.1 on the Billboard chart. So did I.
The song "Blood Sweat & Tears" released by idol group BTS was released on October 10, 2016 (numerology 2016=9, 1+0=1, 1+0=1, the release date of the music video reminds us of 911)
After the release of the music video, it is the first to gain huge popularity in the U.S. market for Iluminati BTS made a great achievement by ranking 26th on Billboard 200, the highest K-pop record ever, at the Billboard Weekly Record, which ended on the 13th.
Since then, BTS's "Blood Sweat & Tears" has been sweeping various music charts and music programs in Korea. It's like when Psy announced Gangnam Style in 2012
How could an unknown idol group BTS (of course fans wouldn't agree) be able to attract global attention with just one song? I could easily see it through the contents of the music video
The music video shows BTS kissing an angel with black wings (lucifer, satan) in the final scene, which held an introductory ceremony at the temple where Illuminati worshiped the gods of Hela
The young members of BTS may have just filmed a music video.
But this music video is about selling their soul to Lucifer clearly.
As a result, Iluminati awarded BTS 26th place on the Billboard chart.
Illuminati, which hit the title track "Gangnam Style" of Psy's sixth album under the theme of ALL Seeing Eye. It also supports BTS, which is loyal to Lucifer.
Iluminati responded to BTS asking for wealth and honor instead of taking all my blood, sweat, and tears (soul)
The lyrics also express the earnest desire to serve the devil
My blood, sweat and tears my last dance
Take it all away
My blood, sweat and tears my cold breath
Take it all away
My blood, sweat and tears
Even my blood, sweat and tears
Even my body, heart and soul
I know that it's all yours
This is a spell that'll punish me
Peaches and cream
Sweeter than sweet
Chocolate cheeks
and chocolate wings
But your wing are wings of devil
In front of your sweet is bitter bitter
Kiss me, I don't care if it hurts. Hurry and choke me
So I can't hurt any more
Baby, I don't care If I get drunk, I'll drink you in now
your whiskey, deep into my throat
I want you a lot, a lot, a lot
I don't care if it hurts, tie me up. So I can't run away
Grab me tightly and shake me. So I can't snap out of it
Kiss me on the lips lips
Our own little secret
I wanna be addicted to your prison
So I can't serve anyone that's not you
Even though I know, I drink the poisonous holy grail
Kill me softly
Close my eyes with your touch
I can't even reject you anyway
I can't run away anymore
You're too sweet, too sweet
**Music Video
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